How to use electronic signature, e-signature, online signature - Adobe Acrobat
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.The pdf is saved but the form field is removed from resulting pdf. Not all commercial digital signature tools follow these requirements. After a more detailed test using the preflight tool, I come to the conclusion that problem is with text form field.
I'm quite new to Acrobat: simply downloaded the Actobat XI evaluation version, created the file and added the text field. No special settings nor other configurations was applied, so the behaviourI reported should be easily reproducible. It is possible for you to reproduce the described behavior? In the end, your workflow doesn't seem correct to me. I'll check to see if they can be solved.
I think that the XMP warning is due to the fact that a text field is not allowed at all by the standard. We should try to flatten the document before running the checkout.
Yet, preflight didn't do all the job because the property is not defined there as well. Voted Best Answer Edit Answer for another minute. Edit Answer for another minute. Are you using Acrobat or other editing software? Edit Answer for another -2 minute. What must I do? Let us know. Edit Answer for another -6 minute. Ricardo, the result is the same: the pdf is saved without the textbox. The second one concerns XMP undefined property.
Edit Answer for another 13 minutes. Let's see. I'll give it a try. Hi Ricardo, thank you for confirming me that behavior is reproducible.
Hi George, I know you are a top-expert Error is clear. Solution not so much. Please specify a reason:. Moderate Content.
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